Tips to Get Rid of Black Mold and Clean Mould

Tips to Get Rid of Black Mold and Clean Mould – I’m afraid if you’re reading this you’ve probably joined a growing club of people suffering from mold and condensation, well in this article I’m going to show you how to cure it, for free.

Tips to Get Rid of Black Mold
Leak Or condensation

Just before we get started let’s look at a typical stain left by a roof leak, this is to help differentiate between a roof leak and a condensation mark, notice the light brown coloration almost as if the tea has been spilled onto the ceiling. This is a sign of a water leak from a roof or plumbing in almost over 80% of cases.

Now look at the mark left by condensation as you can see this has a very dark shadowy appearance,  firstly condensation around windows and unglazed but I’m guessing you’ve already learned to live with this, in fact, you probably don’t even notice it anymore, but if it’s at this stage or this the chances are you will also be suffering from condensations partner, black mold.

This is a pretty bad example I know, so let’s have a look to see where you might find black mold lurking above skirting boards behind beds and furniture like wardrobes, in bathrooms, at the joints between ceilings and walls especially exterior walls, also behind cupboards and of course window frames and window surrounds. Now we know what it is and what it looks like and where to spot it, so let’s try and Tips to Get Rid of Black Mold and Clean Mould, The first place to start is to understand what causes the condensation, condensation is caused by airborne moisture, in example clothes drying on or near a radiator, the heat from the radiator dries the wet clothing this moisture evaporates into the air when this moisture hits any cold surface it reaches dew point and turns back into water.

Let’s imagine all those invisible moisture droplets hanging in the air, obviously we can’t see them but if we could it might look a little bit like this, millions upon millions of Manyu water particles and they’re all looking for a cold surface to land on, and when they do they turn back into water, becoming visible on say this window and this damp environment is perfect for mold to grow, like above the skirting boards, and in this bathroom, and on this bedroom ceiling like Pink Mold On Wood, The Danger and Removal Solution.

We know the enemy let’s beat it, we will be using a two-stage process, firstly cutting back on sources of airborne moisture, and this alone should help 50% of people to either cure or seriously reduce their problems. Secondly, we will look at a simple low-cost solution to remove any remaining unwanted airborne moisture or humidity in the home, by using a dehumidifier.

Step 1 you have to reduce the sources of moisture wherever possible and here’s how to do that, never dry washing indoors always use a tumble dryer to dry clothing, either a vented where the vent blows the moist air outside or a condensation which collects the water for you, unless that is you’re using a dehumidifier, a good dehumidifier can be used indoors as a clothes drying tactic, but more on this later, always put lids on your pans when cooking, not only will this save airborne moisture but your food will also cook faster and save energy, and don’t forget to close any doors to prevent steam from entering the rest of the house.

Use an outside vented extractor above the cooker if you have one, when showering or bathing, always use an extractor fan and it may be worth investing in a high-capacity extractor fan as those are far superior, you can even get these with built-in humidity sensors, you can search for these on Google by using the term high capacitor or high flow extractor fan, and if that’s not possible open the window and keep it open afterward to allow air movement, unless that is it’s the winter months where the outside air is also damp, a good rule of thumb is that if you can’t dry your washing outside, close the windows, there is no merit at all in letting damp air back inside the house.

Now obviously you can’t stop breathing, but as breathing can contribute to talk to four cups of water per day via expelled breath per person it’s worth opening the windows at night, once again only do this when the weather is not damp outside, otherwise you will be letting the moist air in and if you live where the window is vulnerable like a ground floor, lock the window into it’s vented mode if it has one. If you follow these steps you will have seriously helped to cut your humidity level, unfortunately as touched on earlier most climates become damp during the winter months, for instance in the UK that would mean mid-October through to mid-March probably. This can mean opening a window becomes pointless as the air outside is damp and humid and it’s not a good idea to let it in. Step 2 remove moisture now if you want to take things a step further a dehumidifier is your new best friend, a good small dehumidifier can Tips to Get Rid of Black Mold and Clean Mould up to 12 liters or 25 pints of water per day from the air and the benefits are as follows, drier air and wolves are warmer this means your home will insulate better resulting in lower energy bills.

Less airborne moisture means you can make the warm and dry air hard for black mold and other nuisances to exist, by looking at the chart to the left, you can see that a 50% humidity level makes it hard for household pests to survive. It’s even possible with the right tactics to dry washing indoors without using a tumble dryer at up to 25% of the running cost of a tumble dryer, well I hope this has been useful in some way. You may also like All About Pink Mold in Dishwasher