Some Tips to Deal with Green Mold Growing on Clothes

Everyone never wants to see mold on clothes, especially when they are favorite clothes. The molds can be so annoying since they will make the clothes look bad. Of course, wearing the clothes will only make you less confidence. Moreover, molds, including green mold on clothes, can bring health issues that should also become consideration. In this case, if they are not your favorite clothes and they are just old collections, it will be fine to throw them away since you do not need them.

However, it will be different story when they are your favorite clothes. You will try hard to remove them and get your favorite clothes in its best look. Of course, there can be many things to do, but sometimes those things are not really effective. There should be better solution to deal with the green molds and it may be urgent things to do since they can bring problems.

Green mold growing on clothes
Green mold growing on clothes

Remove Green Mold On Clothes

It is  necessary to remove the green mold growing on clothes as soon as possible. When you find the green molds on one of your clothes, then it is very possible to find them in the other clothes. The molds are living being so they can grow, see Green Mold On Wood Furniture: What it is and how to clean. When you keep or store the infected clothes with other clothes, of course it will only provide them with breeding grounds. That is why this kind of problem needs fastest solution. This cannot be left and think that the molds will disappear as the time goes. There should be solution to prevent other clothes get infected by the green molds.

In order to remove green mold on clothes, the first thing to do is to find the clothes with the molds. You need to check the where you find it for the first time. When you find in your wardrobe, then you need to check the whole wardrobe and clothes in it. It is very possible to find other clothes with the green molds. Separating the clothes may not be the best solution. Since they are located in the same wardrobe, it is very possible that the wardrobe itself has become the breeding ground of green molds. That is why it is better to bring all clothes out and get ready to give them the proper treatment. Then, you should also take care the wardrobe or other place where you find the clothes with molds.

Green Mold on Clothes

To deal with them, you should know the causes of molds. They appear and grow because of the water. They are like mushrooms that will grow in the place with moistures and being covered. Dirty area makes them grow faster. That is why you should take care the water and make sure that all things are clean.

About the clothes, there are several things that you can do to deal with green molds growing on clothes. Of course, washing them is the best solution. However, washing them as the way you commonly wash clothes may not be the best solution. Bringing them to laundry may not also solve the problem. In this case, you need to check first the clothes and its instruction. Most of the clothes have specific instruction on how to clean them, including the temperature and type of detergent to use. You need to know and understand them, so you can get best way to clean and wash your clothes. When this things still cannot work, you can start to use hot water. Hot water is the ultimate weapons to deal with green molds. Hot water can get rid of them easily and you can also add some detergent. Bleaching can be used for the case of white clothes, but when it is color clothes, you can choose to use vinegar since this can also help you to deal with them.

Of course, there are also some preventions to make. You can be free from green mold clothes by emptying the washing machine right after you finish washing. This will make sure that your washing machine will not be breeding house. Then, you should also hang the clothes as soon as you finish washing them. You cannot leave them for several minutes on the basket since this will give chances for molds to grow. Then, if you have sweaty clothes or swimwear, you need to hang them for awhile until they are not wet before placing them in the basket. These are some useful tips to prevent green mold on clothes.